MICHAEL BALINT «THE DOCTOR, HIS PATIENT AND THE ILLNESS» The very special nature of the doctor-patient relationship has not been given the attention it deserves in traditional textbooks. Dr. Balint’s book is a detailed account of one of the few systematic researches undertaken on this subject. Read more…
HEIDE OTTEN «LEADING A BALINT GROUP. a Guide» This book will be interesting and useful for various specialists involved in the practice of Balint group work and willing to obtain a Balint group leader certificate. Read more…
«BALINT GROUP TRAINING. Theory and Application» Scientific Editors Bohdan W. Wasilewski and Lilianna Engel This monograph provides an introduction to the theory of Balint group work and a comprehensive overview of its current state in Poland. The book deals with important topics that include the origins of Michael Balint’s work, current applications of his method in the work of family doctors, psychotherapists, and other healing professionals. Read more…
VICTORIA BRATKOVA – “THE MYSTERY OF ANDERSEN’S FAIRY TALES” Victoria Bratkova – the author of the book – shares with the readers her research on the influence of symbols, dreams on the work of the unconscious through the analysis of Andersen’s fairy tales. Read more…
JUDITH LE SOLDAT “THE GROUND OF HOMOSEXUALITY” In the eleven lectures Judith Le Soldat presented a systematic exposition of the theory of homosexuality, which she elaborated. This systematic approach allows joining the basics of psychology, the prerequisites of the drive theory and the development psychology, which gives the author an opportunity to explain her innovative viewpoint on the various inner ways to homosexuality (as well as to heterosexuality). Read more…
COSIMO SCHINAIA “PAEDOPHILIA AND PSYCHOANALYSIS” The merit of Cosimo Schinaia is that he, by delving into the hidden, inaccessible to the conscious, “illegal” thinking zones of a paedophile, conducted a general research based on the materials of the forensic Read more…