«BALINT GROUP TRAINING Theory and Application»

Scientific Editors
Bohdan W. Wasilewski and Lilianna Engel

The book deals with important topics that include the origins of Michael Balint’s work, current applications of his method in the work of family doctors, psychotherapists, and other healing professionals as well as special applications such as medical student training and terminal care. The methods used in Balint group work show that feelings and fears of medical professionals follow certain patterns and rules.. Their group analysis allows a more effective prevention of burnout syndrome and improves contacts with patients. Participation in Balint group sessions is a preventive measure, which brings effects not only in the scope of the doctor-patient relationship but

also in the everyday functioning of doctors. Balint’s recognition of the need for physicians to approach patients in a holistic manner, with an awareness if the interplay between the patient’s expressed needs and emotions and their own is described by the authors from their own perspectives, and these new voices lend credence to Balint’s fundamental ideas. This book also features an ample bibliography section with an overview of writing and research on Balint group work internationally over the past 50 years, which will be particularly useful for Russian-speaking professionals willing to access source materials.

The Russian edition includes a chapter written by the Russian colleagues and dedicated to the development of Balint movement in Russia.